Lim Charlotte (b.1998)
good girl, 2017
Oil on Organza
Quadriptych (1.00m x 1.50m each)
Having gone through a recent turbulent emotional state, good girl was created to begin a dialogue with Charlotte’s former work (Space is inevitable when people have seams, 2016). Unlike Space is inevitable when people have seams, good girl is not hopeful; it does not attempt to marry the spaces amongst bodies and people. It is decidedly constricted and divided.
The postures Charlotte work with tread a fine line between the depravity of sex and the innocence of adolescence. The fetal position could be construed as extremely depraved (open and ready to be penetrated), or an infantilizing and vulnerable pose. That paradoxical image epitomizes her own confusion with the coming of age – in conjunction with a fascination with Sigmund Freud’s theory of the Oedipus complex.